Tuesday, April 28, 2020

play dough

If there is one recipe I master during this quarantine, it is not banana bread or sourdough bread, it is play dough. After years of trying play dough recipes, I think I stumbled across the best one! It involves glycerin, cooking it on the stove and unfortunately, more dishes to wash. I am pretty sure everyone who is sticking to the safer at home rules are tired of washing dishes during this time but if it gives me an extra hour of kids playing peacefully, then I think it's worth it.

This is an activity I included as part of our ocean unit.

I didn't write down the source of this recipe but if you Google "play dough glycerin," you should be able to find it. Here is the informal recipe I jotted down:

2 cups of all-purpose flour
3/4 cup of salt
4 teaspoons of cream of tartar
2 tablespoons of oil (I used grape seed oil)
1/2 teaspoon of glycerin
2 cups of hot water
gel food color

- Heat water
- Add food coloring, mix
- Add glycerin and oil
- Add flour, salt and cream of tartar
- Cook over medium heat, do not overcook - it will get too dry
- Let it cool down
- Place in an air tight container

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