Monday, May 18, 2020


    What does motherhood look like for you? I wish it consisted of aesthetically, beautiful photos, with your hair and makeup to perfection, cute sustainable outfits and vacations on a tropical island with your two-piece bikini. Instagram gives you a false narrative of what motherhood should look like.  Unless you are rich, the majority of us who are experiencing motherhood know it is not glamorous. 

    It is messy and it takes a lot of patience to get through the day, especially those who have more than one child. Some days you fee like you have motherhood figured out and other days you're wondering how you can get them to stop fighting with each other. Some days you look at your single friends with envy and other days, you look at your kids and feel grateful that you ave the best kids ever. Some days you feed your kids peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with candy and other days they get their fruits and vegetables. It's a constant learning process. Once you figure out breastfeeding, then you learn how to deal with tantrums, potty training, then it's dealing with homework and attitudes. What works for one child, doesn't mean it will work for the second or third. Every child has their own personality, their own set of genes that are uniquely one-of-a-kind. As parents, our job is to embrace their uniqueness and help them navigate through the trials and tribulations of life. Teach them self awareness and emotional intelligence that will hopefully help them deal with whatever life might give them but still giving them the freedom to express who they truly are. Then there's our own self. We give so much of ourselves to our kids, we often forget to take care of our own self needs and wants. The constant balancing act we are trying to manage. 

    So, if you haven't showered and you're still wearing the same pajamas you were wearing yesterday, know that you are never alone in your journey, No one has it all figured out, even though it may seem like they have "the perfect life" from their captions and photos. You are doing your best and if you can wake up most days with gratitude then regardless of what your hair or outfit looks like, you're already winning.

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